Common Cause Delaware to Honor Bernice Edwards and Charlotte King


On WEDNESDAY, October 26 at 5:30 p.m., Common Cause Delaware will hold its annual Awards Reception and Silent Auction at The Clubhouse at Baywood Greens in Long Neck, Delaware. Over 160 guests are expected to attend to help honor Bernice Edwards and Charlotte King. Mrs. Edwards, the Executive Director of First State Community Action Agency, will receive the Public Service Achievement Award for her decades of work helping people build community and making America a better place to live. The Award will be presented by Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester.

Ms. King, the Founder of the Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice, will receive the John Gardiner Lifetime Achievement Award, for her lifetime commitment to advancing racial justice and strengthening our democracy so that it works for everyone. Kathleen and Preston Schell will present the award.

Previous award recipients include The Cape Gazette, the Hon. Margaret Rose Henry, the Hon. Steve Amick, the Hon. Karen Peterson, Dr. Tony Allen, The League of Women Voters Delaware, Carl Schnee, Esq., the Hon. Norman Veasey, U.S. Sen. Ted Kaufman, the Hon. Liane Sorenson, Dr. Ralph Begleiter, Ms. Marion Stewart, Dr. Jerome Lewis, U.S. Sen. Mike Castle, the Hon. Russell Peterson, and Mr. John Taylor.

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Common Cause Delaware is a non-partisan, grassroots organization that strives to strengthen democracy by protecting the freedom to vote, minimizing the impact of money in politics, ending partisan gerrymandering, and supporting ethics, transparency, and accountability.

The event will benefit the Common Cause Delaware Education Fund, the 501(c)3 affiliate of Common Cause Delaware, that supports efforts to strengthen our democracy at the state and national levels.

The two-hour event will feature delicious hors d’oeuvres and a silent auction.

WHO: Common Cause Delaware

WHAT: Annual Awards Reception and Silent Auction 

WHEN: WEDNESDAY, October 26, 5:30-7:30 pm, program starts  at 6:40 

WHERE: Baywood Greens Country Club, 32267 Clubhouse Way, Long Neck, DE 19966

WHY: Every year, Common Cause honors leaders who have made our communities and our democracy stronger.

Common Cause is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to upholding the core values of American democracy. We work to create open, honest, and accountable government that serves the public interest; promote equal rights, opportunity, and representation for all; and empower all people to make their voices heard in the political process.