Mayor Purzycki Shares Announcement from Delaware State Housing Authority About New Mortgage Relief Program


Mayor Purzycki is pleased to share an announcement from the DSHA about an important new initiative to assist Delaware residents who experienced a COVID-related financial hardship that impacted their ability remain current on their mortgage payments. The Delaware Mortgage Relief Program will provide up to $40,000 to eligible households to promote housing stability by covering a number of housing-related delinquencies. DSHA’s news release about this program is presented below.

 is proud to announce the launch of the  designed to assist eligible households who experienced a COVID-19-related financial hardship that resulted in mortgage delinquency or forbearance. Homeowners can apply here: .

The  provides up to $40,000 to cover the following delinquencies: mortgage, property tax, chattel loan, land lease, water and sewer utilities, homeowner or condominium association fees, and homeowner insurance. Eligible homeowners must meet the following requirements:

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  • Delaware resident who owns and occupies their home in Delaware as their primary residence
  • Income at or below 150 % AMI or 100% of the Median Income for the United States, whichever is greater (.)
  • Financial hardship after January 21, 2020, such as reduced income or increased expenses
  • Delinquent by at least 30 days, including any payments during a forbearance period.

“Our agency understands the importance of housing stability for Delaware families. With many still facing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are committed to keeping them in their homes and out of foreclosure, said Eugene Young, Jr., Director of DSHA. “This program will target individuals and families in need and those who are socially disadvantaged. We thank Delaware’s federal delegation for advocating on behalf of our residents and are proud to get these funds out the door.”

“We know many Delawareans have faced difficult situations and have struggled with the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Governor John Carney. “We are committed to supporting our neighbors by providing real relief for Delawareans and Delaware families and helping them stay in their homes.”

The Delaware Mortgage Relief Program is funded through the  and  which the U.S. Treasury Department distributed to the state of Delaware. The $50 million received is being administered by DSHA and will be available until 2025 or until funds are exhausted.

“When we were writing the American Rescue Plan Act, we wanted to find ways to help Delaware families stay afloat during the pandemic,” said U.S. Senator Tom Carper. “This is just the kind of program we had in mind for states to implement so we can deliver relief directly to the Delawareans affected most by the pandemic.”

Today‘s program announcement is an important step in helping Delawareans and their families deal with the financial hardships brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester. “Thanks to federal funding provided by the American Rescue Plan, which Senator Carper, Senator Coons, and I voted for, eligible Delaware homeowners will be able to access this resource through the Delaware State Housing Authority to help them stay in their homes.”

“This program will provide a needed lifeline for thousands of working Delawareans who are homeowners, with additional assistance to help ensure they can stabilize their mortgage and remain in their homes. Many men and women who worked in sectors like hospitality and education when the pandemic began, or those who became caregivers for a child or elderly relative, dealt with personal financial challenges brought on by the COVID 19 pandemic,” said U.S. Senator Chris Coons. “I know how important it is to help bring stability to middle-class Delaware homeowners while also continuing to support renters and landlords with similar programs. I’m glad to see this relief program take effect and start helping working families across Delaware.”

For questions about the Delaware Mortgage Relief Program, please call (888) 303- 4324 or visit .