Delaware’s Adam Blackstone to Serve as a Musical Director for Rihanna’s Super Bowl Halftime Show


Adam Blackstone @adamblackstone who currently lives in Middletown (DE) will be in Arizona to serve as musical director for Super Bowl LVII. His job: to make sure the performances run smoothly. “I stage the music, I hire the musicians. I run the rehearsals. I decide what gear we are going to use,” he explained. He’s the man behind Chris Stapleton, Sheryl Lee Ralph and Babyface’s pregame show instrumentation. And he will choose the set list for Rihanna’s halftime performance.
Will Jay-Z join Rihanna for “Umbrella?” Blackstone is not saying. But he’s sure he’ll be wearing FENTY when he accompanies Rihanna on bass. Via #hastingstribune


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