Stop the Violence Coalition/The Academy for Peace Celebrating 20 Years of Serving the Community!


This year the Stop the Violence Coalition/The Academy for Peace celebrates their 20th year of being a beacon of peace and fellowship for the community.  The Stop The Violence Coalition was started by concerned citizens after the tragic shooting of a child in Wilmington, DE.  They sought to encourage a safer city by promoting peace from the inside out. Their aim has been to create programs to help youth and families become better equipped to make choices that are violence-free and life edifying. The Academy for Peace is an arm of the coalition that provides a location for hosting events for organizations with similar goals.

3 Main Objectives of The Stop The Violence Coalition

ENGAGE in programs aimed at improving life-coping and decision-making skills to bring about a non-violent future.

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ACTIVE PARTNERSHIPS with community agencies that will promote and develop anti-violence work.

PROMOTE peace as a key component to creating a post-violence agenda among today’s youth and parents.

The Stop the Violence Coalition helps to promote peace is by offering various weekly and monthly programs at The Academy for Peace including:

  • GLAM – Growing Ladies Attitude Models
  • PIPC – Peace is Powerful Café
  • Virtual Bible school
  • Women of Fellowship
  • Sunday Unusual – Preaching & Teaching
  • The Money School

The Coalition is led by Reverend Dr. Ja-Neair Macklin (Jay). Dr. Jay serves on the ministerial team of Dr. Edward Cross of New Community Church, in Wilmington, Delaware. She has earned a BS in Secondary Education, and BA, MA, Th.D. in Theology Education. She has the distinct honor of being named a Distinguished African American in Delaware in the field of Religion and Community Service, by the Delaware Department of Historical and Cultural Affairs. She has been honored by Black Achievers in Business and Industry, The National Association of University Women and many others.

As executive director of Stop the Violence Coalition, Inc. /Academy for Peace, for 20 years, Dr. Jay has made valuable contributions to the City of Wilmington and surrounding areas in her work developing programs, raising funds and organizing activities that help to prevent violence and promote peace in the community. With many years of experience in government, ministry, banking, education and non-profit leadership, she has become a sought-out mentor and a voice for community empowerment.

Each year in April The Academy for Peace hosts an Empowerment Week. It’s a week of events meant to bring people together to showcase local talent, businesses and also foster our sense of community with peace-affirming activities. To celebrate their 20th Year, the week was expanded to an entire month of empowerment events.

April Empowerment Month at Academy for Peace

Sat. April 3 – Fashion Steppers Youth and Adult Spring Fashion Party

Sat. April 17 – Women of Fellowship and Fashion Steppers Spring Surprise Fundraiser!

Tue. April 20 – Academy for Peace Team /Staff Thank You Reception

Thur. April 22 – GLAM/ Empowerment Night Sponsored by Fashion Steppers and Community Conversation with Mr. Omar Rashada. Vendor Showcase and refreshments. Dr.Jay’s Birthday!

Fri. April 23 – Arts as Prevention Art Show and Reception

Sat. April 24 – Red Carpet Celebration of 20 years of Stop the Violence Coalition/Academy for Peace Mission and Memories – Honoring Community Drum Majors for Peace. Stroll along with LOMA Red Carpet Wayfor refreshments and entertainment – Fashion Steppers Mini Fashion Show and Performance, Photo Shoot, Music and More!

Sun. April 25 – Super Sunday after Service – Featuring Shane Word and the Peace is Powerful Praise Party Dinner Show

All events are located at 203 N Market Street, Wilmington, DE, 19801. Visit their Facebook page for more information or to RSVP to attend an upcoming event this weekend.

In addition to their regularly scheduled events, The Academy for Peace is also available to rent for community events. Contact Dr. Jay Macklin for additional information about the Stop the Violence Coalition or The Academy for Peace at

Thank you for all the great work you’ve done in the community over the past 20 years with the Stop the Violence Coalition and The Academy for Peace Dr. Jay! Your efforts are impactful and appreciated. We look forward to seeing the great ways your organization will continue to encourage an environment of peace in Wilmington, De in the future.