88 Flavors

88 Flavors is a streetwear clothing brand based out of Wilmington. In Numerology the number 8 is the number of Abundance, Infinity, and Eternity. When two eights are placed side-by-side to form 88, the number’s power is multiplied by Infinity.

88 Flavors is a streetwear clothing brand based out of Wilmington. In Numerology the number 8 is the number of Abundance, Infinity, and Eternity. When two eights are placed side-by-side to form 88, the number’s power is multiplied by Infinity. Flavor goes beyond just a sense of taste. Flavor is the essence that makes each individual unique. At 88 Flavors, our Flavors are in Abundance. Shop 88Flavors.com, use promo code: madflavors for 25% off your purchase.