
Online store of handmade African products, Africabaie is an online site that allows designers of handmade Afro products to sell their items internationally. .

Africabaie is an African fashion online store.
Our platform promotes Afro products handcrafted by designers from various African origins.
Thousands of products of all kinds are available on our website.

You can find, for example, clothes such as wax dresses, fabric pants, wax bombers, kente skirts, children’s wax sleeping bags, sets for women and men in African fabric. We also have products that can be personalized to your taste with the quality fabrics and tools you desire.
Africabaie is not only a Marketplace, it is an entire economic, financial and cultural ecosystem which aims to transmit Africa’s cultural wealth to the world.
Sell and buy on Africabaie and be part of the vision in motion.

Sell and buy african handmade product is easy with Africabaie.

There are Amazon, Alibaba and why not AFRICABAIE