Delaware Author Writes Children’s Book To Inspire Black Boys, “Why Am I A King?”


In joining the #BoyMom family, I desire to send a message of empowerment to our sons when they read or when this book is being read to them. As a mother, I would like the importance of family, community, and self-worth to be conveyed to other parents raising young Kings. It is very detrimental in today’s society to instill in their impressionable minds how important it is to know who you are… Where you come from… and Who you are to become as you grow. Your name is great and speaks life into your existence!


Will be available soon. Preorders can be made for $15.00 through PayPal at , CashApp at $Sateyai or  … We thank you in advance for your support! You can Follow my son @kingjamesjamesking He has great things coming!

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~Artist King James

Sateyai Miles

About the Author

Newfound Author Sateyai Miles has always had a profound interest in writing. Growing up in the city of Wilmington, Delaware writing has always been a way she found she could safely express the words she couldn’t say or even just dream aloud. As a child, she attended Kuumba Academy Charter School which focused on using creative art techniques, instilling a sense of true art and black history, reciting daily affirmations of self-worth and self-love. And as the school song went, she learned “She was special and she had something to say!” The things she held dearest to her heart spilled out endlessly in her journals. A songwriter is what she truly desired to be as a child, but as she grew, life changed her plans. She attended Howard High school where she studied and graduated from the nurse technician program. Although she had dreams to be a part of the writer’s world, Sateyai was extremely close to her grandmother; who heard voices because someone slipped something into her drink many years ago, which made her want to always be near and help her family when they were sick. She wanted to be a part of the nursing field to help aide the wounds physical and mental that her residents felt all while neglecting her own. Although she loves nursing, she thought she had to give up her dream instead of adding to it. She allowed life and others to make her feel she had to be practical, so she became boxed in. Unbeknownst to her, she became the very thing standing in the way of chasing her dreams.

After giving birth on 2/5/2019 to her son King James, the fire was reignited; and his cries MADE HER GET OUT OF HER OWN WAY. Her life changed immediately. She began to desire so much for him. King helped her dream again and understood her vision surpassed her reality still although she was blind to it for a while. She realized not only did she have to push him to be the best version of himself, but she also had to show him the best version of herself. For years she searched for herself in things that interested her but didn’t have her best interest at heart. Sateyai desires to use her life experience and voice to instill in her son and other black sons that they are truly Kings and it starts from within. To be boxed in and confined by the ways of the world is something we cannot allow! Becoming a mom literally changed her inside out. What she wanted out of life became different. The strength she needed to keep going unknowingly turned up a notch, and when she looked at her son she knew the Love God had for her was REAL.

Her prayer ever since she first laid eyes on King is that he will not spend his adult years trying to recover from his childhood. As mothers, we want what’s best for our children and we’ll go to Earth’s end to shake the ground for them. Writing with the child she prayed for was something she couldn’t wait to do. Sateyai says, “King and I wrote “Why Am I A King?”  together, designing every page from beginning to end with the vision that God gave me and I cannot wait to share it with the world! I’m very nervous yet extremely excited at the same time.