Poet, Speaker, Performer Lackeeria Uses Love of Poetry to Create Community Healing


Lackeeria Watson is an experienced poet, public speaker, and musical performer. While her portfolio expands across many professional areas, she has dedicated her love of poetry to building a framework that blooms community healing through the creative exploration of the arts and literature. She is a paid writer, content creator, motivational speaker, and musical artist for hire. Her community initiative “BOLD WORDS” Creative Courses offers workshops that inspire community healing through the exploration of literature; specifically Poetry. She is a dynamic musical artist who explores multiple genres in the expression of her life experiences.

Delawareblack.com (DB): What inspires you to do the work that you do?

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Lackeeria Watson: Once lost and insecure, I found confidence in my performance and in sharing my talents. I am driven by purpose and have dedicated most of my life to the arts because all of the answers we need are inside. Expression is a form of self-exploration. My inspiration is her desire to transport you to the deepest level of self, so that you may find comfort and self-security and know that you are exactly where you should be in the now.

DB: Who are the people you want to help?

LW: Creatives, anyone who has something to say, that wants to let go of the past, that wants to unapologetically speak their truth so that they may be freed from the trauma of the past and walk into a future that is sure of themselves.

DB: Tell us about a big win you’ve had so far.

LW: A big win I have had so far is breaking a plethora of general curses, as a second generation Caribbean born immigrant, it means the world to me that I have been able to finish a degree, attend therapy for a year straight, indulge in black love and marriage and continue to collaborate with amazing creatives that encourage me to be my authentic self. This means the world to me because little Jamaican girls, my little sister will be inspired to be fearless in being who they want to be.

DB: What current or upcoming projects are you most proud of?

LW: I am most proud of my current collaboration with Blck.teeth, the single “JOE CLARK”, allowed me to step into a completely different genre and my upcoming Poetry Self reflection Journal, which is due for release in April 2023.

DB: How can people follow you or get in contact with you?

LW: They can always check out my website and follow me on social media.

Website:  Lackeeria.univer.se
Instagram: @Lackeeria
Tiktok: @Lackeeria2muchh
Facebook: Lackeeria Watson