Wilmington Speed Camera Safety Program Begins Monday, January 17, 2022


The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) in partnership with the Delaware State Police announce that beginning Monday, January 17, 2022, the pilot Electronic Speed Safety Program will be active only in the I-95 construction zone in Wilmington and will last until the end of the project. The goal of the pilot program is to reduce work zone speeds and crashes, change driver behavior, and improve work zone safety for workers and motorists. In 2021, there were 423 crashes in the I-95 work zone in Delaware, an increase of 49 percent in the same area from 2019.

The first 30 days of the program will be a warning period. After that warning notices will be mailed to motorists for the first violation of exceeding the posted work zone speed limit, and all subsequent violations will result in a violation notice. Registered vehicle owners will receive a base violation of $20.00 and an additional amount is added for each mile per hour over the posted work zone speed limit in accordance with 

For example, if the captured violation occurs at a speed of 58 mph, the speed violation is $20.00 plus an additional $13.00 which accounts for $1.00 for each mile per hour over the 45-mph posted work zone speed limit, and the assessment of other fees as set forth in Delaware Code for a total of $74.50. These violations are civil penalties only and no points will be assessed to driver’s licenses.

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“We continue to see motorists traveling at speeds well above the posted speed limit and too many crashes are occurring in the construction zone,” said Secretary of Transportation Nicole Majeski.” We need to utilize all the tools available to reduce crashes, and this program is about protecting everyone’s safety.”

Colonel Melissa Zebley of the Delaware State Police added, “The sharp increase in collisions within the construction zone has been concerning and has put the motoring public and individuals in the work zone at risk. Recognizing that construction zones are problematic areas to conduct traditional speed enforcement, we believe this program will encourage motorists to slow down for the sake of the highway workers and their fellow motorists alike.”

Use of automated speed enforcement was granted by the Delaware General Assembly in  as a pilot and only for Restore the Corridor work zone. More information about the program can be found at .