Wilmington’s Annual Toy Drive Will Brighten the Holidays for Hundreds of City Children


Wilmington Mayor Mike Purzycki is pleased to announce the launch of the Mayor’s Annual Toy Drive. Each year, the holidays are made brighter for hundreds of children and their families throughout the City who will receive new toys. Wilmington partners with over 15 nonprofit agencies to identify families in need.

“In 2022 we provided toys to more than 1,200 children across our City,” said Mayor Purzycki, “and we hope to match – if not exceed – that number this year. I thank our dedicated nonprofit partner agencies as well as Store Manager Daniel Harris, GM Coach Pinkie Cooper, and the staff at Walmart Store No.2555 in New Castle for once again making this year’s toy drive possible. I also extend a special thank you to Tanya Phillips and Aleta Clay in Constituent Services and volunteers for organizing this event and making it the huge success it has become.”

Toy Drive Registration
Families wishing to receive toys this year must send an email with the necessary information to holidaytoydrive@wilmingtonde.gov.  The deadline for registration is Wednesday, December 6.
To be eligible for this program you must:

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  • Be a resident of the City of Wilmington.
  • Show a government-issued photo ID and current utility bill, lease agreement, or other residential identifying information IF your address is different from your ID.
  • Provide a copy of a Birth Certificate, Court Ordered Guardianship, or other official documentation that proves you are the parent or legal guardian of the child(ren).
  • Not have received toys from the City of Wilmington Toy Drive in 2022.
  • Have children between the ages of Infant and 10-years-old.

Toy Drive Donations
Anyone wishing to donate toys to this year’s drive may do so by delivering a new, unopened and unwrapped toy (no electronics) to the lobby of the Louis L. Redding City County Building, 800 North French Street, by Wednesday, December 6.