Wilmington’s Deneen Speaks & “Move and Inspire LLC” Use Dance to Empower Women and Youth Battling Mental and Behavioral Health Issues


Deneen was born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware, and owns Move and Inspire, LLC, a personal development agency.

Tell us about your business.

Move and Inspire is an agency committed to catalyzing personal development among women and youth grappling with mental and behavioral health issues. Grounded in innovative techniques such as movement and dance, our approach empowers our students to channel emotions, release stress, and pave healthier pathways in life. We are dedicated to creating a positive shift in their trajectories by fostering holistic growth.

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Why did you decide to become a business owner?

I’ve been an entrepreneur all of my adult life. I started my first business venture called Laid Back Entertainment at 19. I learned early that I had a natural gift to create ideas and bring them to life.

What do you consider to be your talent in your business?

I’m a dancer! I trained for over 20 years in modern, jazz, hip-hop, and contemporary. Move and Inspire allows me to use my skills to help others become more self-aware, identify and feel their emotions, and then channel that energy to produce healthier outcomes in their life.

What inspires you to do the work you do?

Life hasn’t always treated me fairly, and throughout my journey, I have been taking copious notes. My journal of notes has now become the lesson plan for how I teach others to overcome obstacles, disappointments, and failures. Knowing that there’s someone out there who, that with the right amount of guidance and support, can overcome whatever they’re going through inspires me to stay in motion.

What’s your favorite part about doing business in Delaware?

The message is always for the messenger first. Every time I teach, I heal! Every session no matter where I am is packed with power. Delaware just allows me to reach so many more in the surrounding area because we’re in a central location.

Who are the people you want to help?

Women and youth who are struggling with mental, emotional, and behavioral issues. Our contracts with schools, community centers, and various nonprofit agencies that cater to youth have taken over our schedule, but we are ready to shift our focus back to women. Mental health is not something that can be treated with just one method. We know this, we understand this and now we are ready to cast our net and embrace the population of women our tools are meant to help.

What keeps you motivated to keep following your dreams?

Life is happening ready or not and I know there will always be someone who needs my services. The more I learn and grow, the more I’m inspired to teach. Move and Inspire is founded on the principle that to inspire others to take action, you first have to stay in motion.

When you are not working … what do you do for fun or relaxation?

When I’m not working on Move and Inspire, I’m working on my other business Esthetics by Deneen. I also own a Salon Suite, so I stay busy creating new ways to pour into people.

Is there anything we should be looking forward to coming from you or that you want our readers to know?

For the past 5 years Move and Inspire has worked heavily with children who are in rehabilitation. Many of them are under treatment at facilities like Terry Center for Children and Silverlake Treatment Facility. Over the next 5 years, I’m looking forward to reaching back into the community and bringing movement therapy to women who are looking for a space to release and heal.

For more information, follow Deneen Speaks on social media: @Move_and_inspire1