Wilmington’s Economic Development Office Hosts May 10 Diverse Business Resource Fair and Networking Event

Register for the FREE City Hall gathering by this Friday, May 6


The City of Wilmington’s Office of Economic Development will host a  to highlight the diversity of businesses and business owners in Wilmington. The event will be held Tuesday, May 10, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the first-floor lobby of the Louis L. Redding Government Building at 800 North French Street.

The City’s Deputy Economic Development Director Sean Park said the gathering is designed to allow small businesses to come together to meet key Economic Development and Supplier Diversity leaders from across the state; to learn about special resources under the State of Delaware’s new Community Navigator Program, and to use the opportunity to network with diverse businesses and business resource providers from around Wilmington and from other local communities.

Tuesday’s event is being organized by Wilmington’s Small and Minority Business Development Manager, James Williams, in partnership with Denita Henderson and the team from Delaware’s Small Business Development Center.  This is just one of a series of events being held in 2022 to bring smaller and diversified businesses together with key resources at the state, county, and local levels. “Everyone is working hard to erase the negative effects of the pandemic and to make sure their business succeeds by being known to more and more customers,” said Williams. “Local business competition is welcomed and is good for consumers, but there is also strength in numbers and in networking for the business community within Wilmington. Our City Economic Development Office is a resource and is intent on helping the smaller and minority-owned businesses to achieve even more and to grow.”

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FREE REGISTRATION IS OPEN NOW: Click  to register online. Please help spread the word about the May 10 event to small and diverse businesses in your network! For more information, call Wilmington’s 311 Customer Service Center and ask to speak to speak with Sean or James in the Office of Economic Development.